Finished for now

This has been a fun project. I started it for two reasons. First, as an excuse to learn and play a solo RPG. I've always wanted to dive into them but never made the time. After coming across RUNE on youtube I was sold on the genre and thought to give it a try. Of course I couldn't simply print out the game and play it like a normal person! Noooo, I had to first make it playable from my phone. 

As it turns out my second reason for this project is another excuse. I wanted a reason, outside of work, to learn Sveltkit, a web development tool. I wanted see what it was like building web apps with Svelte as opposed to Vue and React (which I also enjoy using). So at the close of this project I'm now sold on three things: RUNE, solo RPGs in general, and Svelte as a web development tool. 

I also learned a few surprising things along the way, like auto deployment to using butler. So now it's super easy to make a change to my games and tools and have those changes be immediately reflected on both my personal sites and on

Anyways, I hope others find this fun and/or useful. Either way I'm happy with the few little tricks I worked out. Especially that most of the things you do in this tool are saved to you browser. And I'll definitely be using Svelte more in the future.

Files Play in browser
Version 12 Jul 26, 2023

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